
Hit the Road with Toddler -All Aboard!

How do I ensure my Super active toddler is ready for all short and long trips? as it could be exhaustive, Boring ,Tiring and what not in toddler dictionary.

As I told you guys in my previous blog about my 16 hrs flight journey with Sia (those who have not read, can read it in link below). In this blog I will walk you through my journey at railway station -Trains – Cars and Hotel.

Screen-free long hours travel with toddler

How do I prepare? While preparing my Travel binder I realised Sia was attracted to the plan of journey. Hence I decided to involve her more and take her aboard even before we boarded the flight.

What Do I do?

  • I started to talk to her more about trip, about India, her grandparents , village, family and places we will visit. you will not believe I even showed he videos of Incredible India,videos of Jaunpur (my hometown) and places we were to visit in Delhi and Rajasthan ( a short vacation in a vacation,when her father arrives).
  • I involved her in all packing, like choosing her clothes, packing gifts we bought for family, preparing her travel binder etc.
  • By now she was all excited. SHE WAS ALL ABOARD !

This was an easy stroller, lightweight, quick and easy to open and close and compact. Best thing was even sia was able to drag it and walk.

Now this time decided to keep activities which does not need lot of space, which is compact and spill proof .

Art & Color – This is my always to go activity for Sia as it never fails. but here we need to be careful coz unlike plane, trains and cars will not be smooth whereas it will much more crowded and lot of people moving around. Cant risk to paint someone dress 😛

we got our solution at amazon . Just fill some water in pen and start coloring, pads will change into colorful pictures. (Picture in middle is just to show how card looks. I clicked this picture at home post our return,She wanted to experiment with regular brush and water 🙂 )

FLASH CARD :-We kept some flash cards. which had memory , numbers and planet games. Number of players can vary from 2-5 ,she even made new friends in train, involved in her card game. This has become our game night thing every time since our return. Also, It’s worth noting that the development of mathematical and logical thinking is influenced by the classification game. 

Maze Book :- This was not a hit thing at the age of 3, hence I would not suggest anyone below 3 (again it varies with each child’s interest) but as of now she is 3.5 and soo much into this that She finished entire book in 1 week. We keep this book in car for any long/short drive and sometimes she picks up at home as well.

As per North Shore Pediatric therapy, Its important to practice Maze with your kid for this 5 reasons for sure:- Problem Solving (Functional Skills) ,Fine Motor, Visual Motor, Grading of an activity and build Confidence.

Stickers:- As much they are a fine motor powerhouse. It helps kids in  Visual scanning which is required for skills like reading, writing etc.

And I , love it as it keeps her busy for almost 20- 25 mins. Mostly we use this in car where she can stick the stickers on the window glass. Often she makes a story around and keeps on talking. As yesterday during short drive we heard story of dinosaurs family , boy was not eating palm tree 😛

Small Cars:- We collected all her small cars in Ziplock bag and placed in upper zip of my bagpack instead of travel binder, to make it easy to pull out and return in the bags at the railway stations,Airport or hotel lobby/room. She mostly drove it on benches or carpet. Remember these were not gear or battery cars , you can just hold it and push back n forth . It should not be something which needs lot of supervision and difficult to control 😛 As Maria Montessori Says:

“A Child needs freedom within limits”

These are just few excerpts that I am documenting in order to be prepared and give your child a prepared environment and make your journey fun and learning.

Apart from this we did lot of travelling with families of both sides and she was involved in lot of talking, singing and looking around the woods, cities , trucks,trains etc.

While writing this i am pumped with joy that we successfully made our 4 months long trip to India ,made lot of new friends, traveled lot many old and new places, ate lot of delicious local food . Bliss….

Looking forward for our next trip as soon as corona virus passes, i am sure you must be looking forward too. Try these “work” with you little travel buddy and have lot of fun.

Pic from our trip to Rajasthan

Bye for now…Se y’all super soon…. 🙂

Love ‘n Light

AsthanaMama 🙂

Feel Good Reads for children of all ages!

Great message to love your body and be proud to be who you are. This is my preschooler’s favorite book- we read it every night! We love messages of body acceptance & Positivity.

Laxmi’s Mooch

Each word precisely chosen and well paired with the illustrations.

Eyes that Kiss in the Corner

Beautiful Illustration and emotional tale of two sisters certainly encourages pride and respect for Hijab.

The Proudest Blue

Little rhyming book instilling Self positivity and having faith in your body or hair precisely.

I love my Curly Hair

Enjoy reading till we meet again. See y’ll super Soon 🤗

Love’n Light


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Sensory For Life.

Lots of my friends always keep on telling me to write something for the younger age group (in which their kids fall 😉) Hence, here I am writing about something which is of course for life, however more crucial for Infants and young toddlers.


Now, What is Sensory? The adjective sensory describes something relating to sensation — something that you feel with your physical senses. … Sensory can also describe a nerve fiber, such as a sensory neuron, that carries impulses to the nerve centers in your body.

Sensory issues occur when a child has a difficult time receiving and responding to information from their senses. Children who have sensory issues may have an aversion to anything that triggers their senses, such as light, sound, touch, taste, or smell.

According to Dr. Maria Montessori, sensorial experiences begin right when a child is born. Children use their senses in order to study their environment. By participating in sensory activities, children can consciously obtain clear information that helps them classify their surroundings.

In pic you see, Sia is between 2-3 months, this is not ideally a Montessori Sensory gear but a sensory item.I was introduced to Montessori when is Sia was around this age however all resources were not that handy at start and this was a second hand gift from a friend in community which all infants of community used later.

However coming back top Sensory, Dr. Montessori believed that educating the senses preceded intellectual development. A child’s education of the senses begins at birth. He takes impressions of his world through his senses. Around 2.5 years old he enters a sensitive period for organizing these impressions. Much like the alphabet organizes language, the sensorial work organizes these impressions.

“It is necessary to begin the education of the senses in the formative period, if we wish to perfect this sense development with the education which is to follow. The education of the senses should be begun methodically in infancy, and should continue during the entire period of instruction which is to prepare the individual for life in society.”

Whenever I talk about Sensory I see lot of people think about a bin and some sensory material in. No doubt it is a good idea to have a sensory bin on shelf ( I always have😁) but do not forget that door, it is the door to endless possibilities. Take your kids out, in ☔️ and mud 🪨, in clouds 🌥 and in sun.☀️ Let the body come out of the room temperature and enjoy bliss of natural sensory.🌸

Sensory is all about activating your senses since birth for Intellectual development at later life. What I take from Montessori teaching is we are not raising our kids for Kindergarten OR middle School where are preparing them for a greater thing called life! Period.

On the same note,If you want to learn about Sensory Toys which makes a very good New born to First birthday gifts Click Here.

If you are still with me till here and relate to Montessori philosophy stay tuned at this space, very soon I will be sharing few “Out of bin Sensory ideas”.

See y’all super Soon 💕



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Sensory Materials for Infants and Young Toddlers (A Gift List for 0-2 yrs)

“Our sensorial material provides a kind of guide to observation, for it classifies the impressions that each sense can receive: the colours, notes, noises, forms and sizes, touch-sensations, odors and tastes. This undoubtedly is also a form of culture, for it leads us to pay attention both to ourselves and to our surroundings.” ~ The Absorbent Mind

If you are wordering why sensory play is important please read this.

In COVID times we all have literally seen how all of us have come closer to each other (not physically 😉 ) but emotionally. Lot of ZOOM parties many more gift exchanges etc. I also learnt about wishlist coming so handy when ppl start asking you what to gift your little one. 🤱

If you are one like me who prefers only meaningful toys, Save & Share this article with new parents.🥰 This list also makes an excellent choice of Gifts for 0-3yrs, for nursery set up or Day care.

You can get it from IKEA, If you do not have IKEA near you get it from Amazon

This👇 product has never failed me, whenever we gifted this all kids and parents love it ❤️.

Playing with a mirror is a good time activity for all infants and Toddlers and it also supports your child’s healthy development and learning. It helps develop their visual senses, most obviously.

You can also use a mirror during tummy time to keep your baby entertained and give them more time to develop their muscles and physical abilities

Though it looks like just and ordinary stacker but you would be amazed by the creativity and innovativeness you see in your young toddler which this product offers.

As the baby progress towards first year birthday, so changes need for movement what better to offer than a walker 💁‍♀️

I hope this list will minimize your struggle upto some extent while choosing a meaning full gift for your loved ones.

See y’ll super Soon 🤗

Love’n Light


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6 Children’s Books for Holi! Hindu Spring festival 🎨🌸

Culture is ultimately what defines our society, and what we stand for. In a world where our morals and values are challenged every day, a good grounding and understanding of what made us who we are can help our children stay strong.

Which reminds me, Holi is just around the corner and if you are still looking for what to read to your kids.

Here is the list of Books for suggestion/Ideas that you can read to them.

If you ask me why should kids learn about Mythology, my answer would be:

  • It teaches them about Culture🇮🇳
  • Difference between Good😇 & Evil👺
  • Unlock their Imagination🤩
  • Connects with Family🤝
  • Help them not alienate 👽

I sincerely thanks these Authors & Illustrators for writing Children’s book on Indian Festivals💕

Holi is next week and this entire week at my house id dedicated to Holi! you can check/Follow my Instagram & Facebook page for what’s happening😍

Happy Holi to all of you, I hope you and your kids enjoy reading these books and have some takeaways❤️

See y’all Superrr Sooon🥰



Don’t forget to follow @brownmommybear, Instagram & Facebook

Art Area/Environment for Kids.

Art is a way for children to communicate their feelings. In the Montessori environment, we provide open-ended art activities that help children explore and use their creativity. When it comes to art, it is the process not the product that is important to the child.

Keeping in mind “Every Child is an Artist” we do not praise a clean product likewise we do not reprimand a messy one. It’s completely okay here to be within lines or explore your canvas.

In order to give our kids an open ended activities, In most Montessori homes you will find a dedicated Art area for kids. Today, I will show you how Sia’s Art area looks.

In our Art Area only 2 things are constant ~Cart & Easel. Rest all keep rotating.

Let’s See what do we have in our Art Area currently.

Crayons (we use broken ones as well as it helps to set grip for pre-writing work)

This box is DIY, done entirely by Sia🥰

Small Cut Paper (I use chart paper as they are little thick and I usually cut them to minimize waste)

Stickers ( I cut in half and place it on cart)

In my mom groups I always see lot of concerned moms feeling stressed that their kids are painting on the walls in entire house. This post is my 2cents to have a dedicated art area and gently redirect them every time they try to explore other places. It will certainly ensure two things:-

  • Understand Boundary (which they would not violate at their house OR if you visit anybody else house😉)
  • Clear Walls🥰

To start off you don’t need to have all of them, when I started it was just a chart paper and few DOT PAINTS on table plus Chart paper pasted on wall and few crayons kept beside.

You certainly don’t need exact theme, above mentioned list is just an inspiration, you can go for options best suitable for your child.

Hope this would be helpful for few Parents/Caregiver out their❤️

For more ideas on Easy Art Activities for Pre-Schooler Visit Here

See y’ll supeerrrr soon 💕



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Snacks to Pack for Road Trip.

When it comes to packing I always become so organized and methodical that I pack our clothes in the manner they are to be used like day wise😉. First day on top layer then day 2 and day 3 likewise.I also carry a small foldable bag for my dirty clothes to dump and segregate at the last day like used and unused separately🙈.

Anyways, It’s good we are not talking about generic packing otherwise it will consume not less than 3 posts😂 Today we will just talk about Snacks we can pack while traveling especially with kids.

In COVID times it has become so important to maintain distance, prioritize our hygiene depend less on outside food/ Food Courts and focus on your immunity to build your strength . Which makes it even more important than before to pack your own food as much as possible while you travel to mitigate risk of any kind of infection. In a nutshell


Parameters to be considered:

  • Easy to eat while in motion (like Car/Train or Plane)🚗
  • No Spill😭
  • Minimum Disposal💚
  • Good enough to satiate🥰
  • Tasty & Healthy😋

Before I start, allow me to make a plea, pls..pls do not use disposable containers which ends up in landfill. You can try these Lunch Boxes & Hot Cases which I use while traveling AND if its possible/available use bio degradable products like Bamboo Plates or Banana Leaves etc. Thank you! 😊 If you are still with me, let’s start.


Next time before you keep any candy or bakery product give a try to hand rolled laddoo, Super healthy and Yum!

Stuffed Paratha

Parathas are all time all kids favorite, you can try Regular Salted Paratha OR Stuffed Paratha. In pic I have rolled this paratha from mixture of whole wheat flour at cooked dal (Pulse)with salt, ajwain and Ghee! power pack meal.


You call it Pitha OR Fara OR Rice crepes, with goodness of rice flour and protein from pulses steamed into a wholesome meal. I have used chana Dal (Split Peas pulse) here, you can use of your choice. Recently on @masterchefindia6 one contestant made it with jaggery filling, you can try that too.😋

Bread Paneer Roll

Roll the bread thin with help of little water sprinkled on it (have used Brown 🍞) fill with paneer or cooked minced Chicken, mixed with spices as per your taste and fold in a cylindrical shape seal the edges then fry ( I did in air fryer). It is as good as pockets bought from store!

Savory Semolina Muffin

If you are on Facebook and follow my page you sure have this recipe as we recently did it on #breakfastbysia and if you are not following yet pls check out @asthanamama on IG and FB. coming to recipe, oh, Come on! …..check it out on FB guys!😉

Roasted Nuts

Eating nuts as part of a healthy diet is good for your heart. Nuts contain unsaturated fatty acids and other nutrients. And they’re a great snack food — inexpensive, easy to store and easy to pack when you’re on the go. One drawback to nuts is that they’re high in calories, so it’s important to limit portions

Okay people I guess we have lot of healthy snacking option now! let’s cut some slack to our kids, after all they are kids. Allow them to pack 1or 2 snack of their choice.

Have lots & Lots of Fun! 🥳

View of Himalya from Dalhousie( India)

Thank you for reading along!🥰

See y’ll suuuuperrrr soon!❤️

Love ‘n Light

asthanamama (Don’t forget to follow on Instagram &Facebook for regular ideas.💡

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Board Games for ages3-9 Preschooler/Elementary Schoolers

While growing up I have clear memory of playing some classic board games like Ludo, Monopoly, Chess, Chinese Checkers and so on with my siblings. Today our kids have endless resources and means to learn and get busy but I feel its important for all the children to play board games. Especially in given environment when most family is nuclear/small.

To answer you why, here are few advantages I would list:

  1. Board games are important for child’s mental and social development.
  2. They teach value of Team Work.
  3. They help sharpen children’s Focus and Concertation.
  4. Improve language skills.
  5. Improve the critical thinking ability and situation judgment ability of children. It’s good for the development of brain and intelligence.

There are so many available in market, here are few matching with classical ones and few new:

Chutes & Ladder

Sight word Bingo

Memory Game

The Sneaky Snacky Squirrel

Chinese Checkers

Sequence for kids



Sling Board Game

if you read my earlier blog about 7-Day Family fun for winter evenings your Fridays must be reserved for Board Games, Go ahead and play some of these I am sure your family would love these❤️. If you have not read it yet don’t worry you can start it today.😊

Hope you all are enjoying your time with little one and not so little ones at home. 💕

Stay Warm and Healthy💚

See y’all super soon!😍



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Why Wooden Toys for Babies over Plastic?

Wherever you are while reading this article, just look around how much plastic you see? Surprisingly, how swiftly plastic material crawled in our life and seamlessly became part of it and now we even do not realize and pick it up every now and then from store.

Obviously its not true that we are not a bit conscious about it plus there are few groups/set of people i know are working very efficiently to Reduce- Reuse and Recycle and I am sure each one of us is making one step forward to make this a better place to live for coming generation.

I personally like to work with kids as they are a plain canvass and we have opportunity to set things right from start. Below i am giving you few advantages of wooden toys over plastic ones which gives a great reasoning to stop using plastic.

If you are with me till here, i will not bore you more and jump straight to my favorite one :

Feel of Nature:- When your child is playing with any wooden, simple and uncomplicated toy, he/she is sensing a part of tree ~ smelling a tree ~ feeling a tree NOT any processed chemical . In that moment kid is working on senses in addition to other benefits. Relating to Nature. Sounds refreshing! Right?

ECO Friendly :- Its not a news to us that decomposing of plastic products can take up to 100- 1000 years but before that plastic in waste is so dangerous like clogging our waterways, oceans, forests, and other natural habitats that are filled with animals who mistake dangerous plastic for food and end up dying, unnatural ! 😦 ( 8 million tonnes of plastic entering the world’s oceans every year, birds dying due to plastic. just google its heartbreaking! )

Durability :- Its a fact that Plastic toys are way cheaper than wooden one, however they are not durable at all. A little firm grip OR a wrong footstep over it and the product goes straight to garbage, creating landfill, clogging waterways, killing animals etc. ( i can go on) Just think what price are we paying! Whereas wooden toys can go on for generations (Yielding less waste than their plastic counterparts).

Chemical Hazard:- This would be the last thing we would want for our kids on Earth. Some of the additives that are infused in plastic can cause permanent harm to our metabolism. Chemicals such as phthalates and BPA are widely used as an additive that prevents degrading of plastic structure, but they also disrupt our hormone levels which can cause serious problems while growing up.

Although, there are few high quality plastics materials which are BPA and PVC free. Still I suggest choose wisely.

While choosing between Plastic and Wooden material for Sia I never go for all- or- nothing approach there is always room for moderation. But items that are made from quality wood or natural materials are both healthier and allow children to think more creatively/ out of box during worktime.

As Dr. Maria Montessori in all her teachings suggests kids should get REALISTIC TOYS (Which imitates closer to reality) – MOSTLY WOOD/NATURAL MATERIAL and NOT TOO MANY.

I hope you find this article informative, if yes give me a thumps up and yes,

Lets include this in your new year’s resolution for Greener and Healthier 2021

Happy New Year!



Don’t forget to follow @brownmommybear @asthanamam (FB & Insta handle)

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10 Superfood for kids in winters

The best way is to feed your kid with a combination of foods to ensure that He/she is getting all the nutrients, instead of overfeeding them with just one type of food.

In this post I am writing all foods that is good to eat in winters for adults and kids in moderation. This blog is purely based on my Experience. I am not a nutritionist hence, please check your allergies before trying any of these.

Our Indian heritage provides us ample amount of dishes which is more than enough to fulfill one’s nutrition. If consumed consciously no kid would need supplements and enjoy proper growth. Lets start it here:

  1. Broccoli/Cauliflower

Aside from getting the flu shot and washing your hands regularly, these cruciferous vegetables may be your top defense against winter sickness. Broccoli and cauliflower are both high in vitamin C, which is associated with enhanced immune function.

Tip:- Broccoli tops the list of my “NOT favorite vegetable” hence I camouflage it in Broccoli Sauce Pasta, Shred Broccoli in our family favorite Soup or Toss it up with chicken in Pic 2 you can see my MIL’s recipe for winter achaar made of carrots+ cauliflower and spices. just a spoon with khichdi or Dal -Rice .Yum!

2. Honey

Honey is a natural sugar that is warm in nature and its regular intake helps in keeping the body warm too. Honey regulates blood sugar and increases athletic performance. Honey is also good for sore throat and cold, Boost energy and Strengthen immune system (which is must in given times).

A wheat bread toast with honey could be an easy and perfect way to start your and child’s day. OR spread some honey on pancake for weekend treat.

3.Protein from Animal Source

Proteins from animal sources contain ample amounts of all the essential amino acids and are a must for immune cells. They are found in fish, poultry, cheese, eggs, and milk. Vegetarians can get their protein in grains and legumes like soybeans, rajma, chickpeas etc.

Tip:- Cheese stick is favorite food for all babies and toddlers, Roasted drumsticks and Nuggets makes a good Friday menu. Above pic is from a Mediterranean meal before 2020 happened 😛

4. Sesame Seed

Sesame seeds are a great source of manganese, copper, magnesium, calcium, Vitamin B1, phosphorus, molybdenum, zinc, fiber, plant protein, several vitamins, dietary fiber and selenium.

Additionally, sesame seeds possess sesamolin and sesamin which helps to lower the cholesterol which is prevalent these days in growing kids.

Sesame (Til) Ladoo, Gajjak , Bars and Chikki are few yum snacks which can be made at home and stored . This can also be used as alternatives to sometime store bought treats.

P.s. -Sesame allergy is quite common these days, hence its advisable to check before consuming.

5. Indian Spices & Condiments

Indian condiments and spices like garlic, ginger and turmeric have antiviral and antibacterial properties. It also stimulates production of white blood cells within the body and is also an antioxidant. Garlic helps prevent cold and flu symptoms.

Tip:- Easiest way to inculcate this in your kids diet plan is to prepare fresh meal with ginger, garlic, turmeric etc. You can always prepare and store some Panjiri or Pinni in winters.

6. Root vegetable

As the name itself suggest Root Vegetables are those vegetable which are grown below surface like carrot, radish etc. Because root vegetables grow underground, they absorb a great amount of nutrients from the soil. They are packed with a high concentration of antioxidants, Vitamins C, B, A, and iron, helping to cleanse your system. Root vegetables give warmth to the body as their digestion is slower that generates more heat.

Carrot Halwa is my all time favorite, you can try sweet potato French fries, potato sabudana cutlet or onion fritters. Delish!

7. Ghee

Ghee is the liquid Gold we all must have daily. Lets not make ghee the evil in our family 🙂

Ghee is healthy fat it provides the baby with calories to stay active and energetic all the day. It has a specific amount of Vitamin A,E and D. Easy to digest and builds immunity.

A spoon of ghee on your favorite – dal, sabz or roti will do wonders.

8. Local/Seasonal Fruits

In winters we often tend to drink less of water however, Mother nature is much smart and providing to all its kids on Earth hence she planned everything accordingly. Prioritize intake of locally procured seasonal fruits to hydrate.

Tip:- Clementines are an adorable winter citrus, packed with vitamin C, which helps keep immune systems strong. They also provide dietary fiber. Kids love that they’re usually seedless, easy to peel and fun to eat, making them perfect for school lunchboxes or snacks

9. Dry Fruits

Almond- “King of Dry fruit” The proteins present in almonds help in the optimum growth of the child and are considered to be very helpful in the brain development of kids.

Walnut:- Often termed as the ‘Brain Food’, they aid in the brain development of children. They also contain Vitamins B1, B2, B6, and folic acid along with calcium, iron, copper, manganese, magnesium, potassium, phosphorus, and zinc. 

Raisins, Pistachios, Cashews & Dates are few dry fruits generally loved by children and a handful of these can substitute snacking in a healthy way.

Tip:- If you child does not like to eat it, a quick laddoo made of its mixture can be tempting, As my girl loves to drink milk I usually roast and grind these dry fruits and mix a spoon in milk.

Again, Exclude this if you or child have nut allergy.

10. Egg:- “Sunday ho ya Monday roz khaye Anday” .

It is generally believed that four eggs in week are ideal to ensure that your child is getting the required nutrients. There is no harm in your child eating up to one egg a day or seven a week, but beyond that there could be some risks involved.

Tip:- From omelets to boiled eggs, scrambled to French toast – we have tried them all and it never goes south.

11. Water

We often tend to forget or minimize our water intake in winter. I suggest make a chart for kids and ask them to mark a tick every time they finish one glass of water. 6-8 glass is what science suggest to be properly hydrated.

Hope this helps to plan your next meal chart and I expect you guys to try at least few of above if you are not trying it already. Remember consistency is key!

Thank y’all for reading all along, don’t forget to share your input with me 🙂

Happy Winters !


asthanamama 🙂

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7- Day Family Fun For Winter Evenings.

We shall walk together on this path of life, for all things are part of universe and are connected with each other to form one whole unity” ~ Maria Montessori

I addition to above quote Maria Montessori also suggested that “children are thirsty for a great vision”. and most of us as parents, We see that in form of pretend play and random questions about certain things.

As the winters already started here and sun goes back home as early as 4:30 p.m. it leaves kids with plenty of time indoors, mostly with us. Hence with little help of internet I devised this 7 day daily theme work as “Fun Family Time“. Which goes like this.

Monday :- Reading

Set your start of the week with focus on connecting through stories. Read multilingual books, OR make stories of your own OR share your experiences in form of story. For preschoolers you can DIY sight words to read in form of stories. Go on and be creative 🙂

Tuesday:- Tango

As the saying goes “It takes two to Tango” Choose your partners and go for a music night. Feel free to play music of your choice. Take chance to introduce little ones to different genres. Have Fun. 🙂

Wednesday :- Vision

Remember, kids are looking for vision, bigger picture, imagination. Go on, give them some direction on imagination, wings to fly. Use things you already have like – Lego, blocks, magnets, paper, cardboard etc. Build up high!

Thursday :- Thoughtful

On Thursdays, it’s time to get thoughtful and creative. Use all the creative items you have (crayons, markers, watercolor, sketches, playdoh, stamps etc.) Put your imagination on piece of paper. Let it be open ended, create whatever makes you happy ! Bliss!

Friday :- Foster

Start the weekend by connecting family and foster learning over board game/Puzzles. There are numerous out there, pick the best suiting you & Family. Some may also like to plan a family movie night which is equally great! Go for it!

Saturday :- Science

At our house every Saturday is dedicated to science projects/experiments . You can check this out for more ideas:


Sunday :- Outdoor/Active

Sundays are dedicated to outdoors- go for walk, Long drive together, Visit a farm/Zoo.

Sleep Tight and be ready for power packed new week!

Feel free to take print of this and pin it in your home so you can easily access it everyday.

See y’all super sooooon 🙂

Love ‘n light


Don’t forget to follow @brownmommybear @asthanamama (insta and FB)

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